MARK JEFFERIES SOLO + GLOBAL STARS TEAM AIRSHOWS World class aerobatic air shows around the Globe MARK JEFFERIES is a special pilot, an Extra special pilot, in demand around the world for his supreme aerobatic skills either in the Global Stars team or solo in the awesome Extra 330SC. Flying at the top competition level […]
Engagement Skyart

“Will you marry me” Surprise your wife to be with some Skyart ! Having not flown since 24th November 2020 the Extra 330SC needed a maintenance flight, the morning dawned blue A recent enquiry for a “will you marry me” Skyart message has been received. Best I do a practice!. This is my first attempt […]
007 Sean Connery

RIP Sean Connery Flying the special tribute to Sean Connery today, 4th November 2020 over Cambridge where the airspace is unrestricted. Mark, said: “I’m a big Bond fan and the films are spectacular. This promises to be the first blue-sky day since the original Bond died, and I want to show a little respect.” Taking […]
Birthday skyart

Todays mission was for a 50th birthday party. Sky writing is not as simple as it first appears. Its not just a case of going up and doing it! Firstly I draw the message in as I will fly it “looking down” then I work out how long it will take to fly at 110 […]
Funeral Flypasts

Flypasts at funerals. With the passing of your loved one you may wish to paint a message in the sky whilst at the grave side. Three shows recently have been with wing tip smokes. The Irish tricolour, is the national flag and ensign of the Republic of Ireland. This has featured in 2 shows. Blue and […]
Sky writing by the Global Stars

On the 8th May 2020 sky writing became legal in the UK. The Global Stars are now ready to take advantage of the law change and write your message in the skies of the UK. The first occasion the team tested the new system was in China October 2019. The word sky typed was “SICHUAN […]
Tribute to Battle of Britain

“REMEMBER THE FEW” Today the Global Stars team flew in recognition of the magnificent few pilots from the Battle of Britain 80 years ago. On Sunday, 15 September 1940, the Luftwaffe launched its largest and most concentrated attack against London in the hope of drawing out the RAF into a battle of annihilation. Some of […]
Global Stars Sky Art and Sky Writing

Sky Messaging & Sky typing. By Royal Appointment. A picture speaks a 1000 words. “SKY ART” is now legal (8th May 2020) in the UK, so the industry can write smilies, love hearts and kisses all being very popular at weddings. After flying a “love heart” for the Queen at the Kelpies opening ceremony we […]
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