Buying a New Extra 330SC

Free flight offered in Extra 330SC  (T&C’s apply)

D_Harbar_Apr2016Extra_006In mid November 2015 I agreed to the sale of my Extra 330SC G-IIHI, this was just after signing the contract with Bahrain International Airshow. Luckily as the a/c was going to Poland which is basically closed to VFR flying from November to March so this was not a problem for the owner to be.

With G-IIHI sold I then placed an order with EXTRA for a new 330SC aircraft. Being a dealer for Extra I completed the options form and submitted this for conversion into a priced purchase order, duly signed and returned with a delivery date some 4 months later. Typically, the order book is 4 – 5 months ahead.Screen Shot 2016-04-09 at 18.57.49

The 10% deposit was paid sealing the deal. Now all I have to do is wait…. The next stage payment of 40% is due when the aircraft is ready to paint. Talking of paint the scheme is required at approx one month into the build. This allows production to plan as parts are progressed through the works. In my case it was very simple, all white. Brilliant white. This allows me to add various livery as required by wrapping the aircraft. Martyn Kane of Core Motor sports does a super job and was engaged almost immediately.

D_Harbar_Apr2016Extra_065A completion date of the 22nd March was requested and accepted. In the mean time Bahrain air show came and went. G-IIHI performed flawlessly in the desert once again, being packed up and shipped back to the UK starting travels on the 27th January to arrive back at EGMJ on 9th March 2 hours before I depart for India Aviation with the Global Stars team. Final payment is due on arrival back to UK for G-IIHI thus allowing the last stage payment for G-IHHI to be made upon the issue of the EASA form 52. The aircraft was competed on the 18th March a few days ahead of schedule.

D_Harbar_Apr2016Extra_068Walter Extra test flew on the 21st March, papers in hand were submitted to the UK CAA who granted the ferry permit of the 22nd some 2 days before my return from the Indian air shows at Hyderabad.  The 24th dawned and I travel Dinslaken by RV6 with a friend and take formal delivery of my new aircraft. This is the second factory new Extra 330SC I have purchased.

Friday 25th dawns with low clouds and rain. Taking a long breakfast, checking the forecasts and actual’s we decide to set of to the field. Taking off 45 mins later in light rain and 5km viz heading west around the Volkel and Eindhoven CTR we soon come out in the clear. Its then plain sailing back to the UK landing at EGMJ 2 hours later.
D_Harbar_Apr2016Extra_010So, what’s different with the new 330SC, V’s my previous one?.

1, Faster roll rate. The ailerons are very closely gap sealed. Especially at the outboard hinge point reducing the flow of air from one side to the other.

2, The spade in front of the hinge line is also slightly larger allowing quick application and neutralisation.

3, The throttle and mixture controls are smoother. Looking at the controls they are of different manufacturer’s type.

4, Different physical rudder stops.

5, Physical throttle stops on the cockpit.

6, Oh, and lastly I elected to have the 330LT style of wheel spats fitted offering more streamlining. Maybe it’s 3 kts faster at 186 kts WOT. Certainly quicker than the “stock” 330SC in a straight line race the other day.

Call me if you want to fly (or buy a new) my 330SC. Qualified pilots only, who are currently owners of a high performance aerobatic type. Deposit required, refunded in event of purchase of an aircraft. Insurance excess and loss of income agreement required.

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