Gransden Agricultural Show

Gransden and District Agricultural Society Annual Show 27th September.

gransden showwas established in 1891. It has been held every year since then, with the exception of the war years of 1939-1945. The 2014 Show will be the 112th such event. If you’d like to read about the Early History of Agricultural Societies in Great Gransden please click here.

Gransden show is a family tradition, Mark Jefferies’ Grand Father HaroldGransden show H G Jefferies Gadston Jefferies was show secretary and official during the late 1950’s and early 1960’s his father Leonard Jefferies exhibited cereals, Wheat, Barley and beans in the produce tent. This photo to the right is Mark’s Grandfather showing a farm cart. This cart still exists on the farm at Fullers Hill. It was a show cart and appears not to have been used on the farm.

Over the years the show has evolved but has kept its roots in farming and has expanded to take in non-farming activities. Today in addition to cattle, sheep and pig showing. Horses, dogs, poultry, rabbit showing have been included.

Collings bros the local agricultural merchants exhibit the latest farm machinery combings, tractors and tilling equipment. The village school “Barnabas Oley” classes exhibit various works of art.

Extra 330SC air show.jpgVillagers exhibit flower arrangements, jam, honey, wine and cake making. The is also a strong exhibition of vegetable where giant leaks, onions, cabbages etc are shown.

Mark will be displaying his aircraft in the skies at approximately 14:00

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