British Team Favourites for Formation Aerobatic Championship Success

The Global Stars Formation Aerobatic Team (GB) in Zhengzhou Made up of five British champions with a significant amount of international competition experience between them and led by airshow regular and ex-British Unlimited Champion Mark Jefferies. Mark is joined by Chris Burkett, Tom Cassells, Steve Carver and Chris Heames.  In total, 12 teams from around […]

Nick Horrox film director and video editing

I’m please to announce Nick Horrox as part of the team supporting Mark Jefferies Air Displays. Nick by trade is a a freelance video professional with twenty-five years experience of working within the corporate market: for production companies, PR and MarComms agencies and directly with end clients. His specialist skills lie in editing; motion graphics; directing; […]

Fair on the Yare Claxton, Norfolk

Air Show at “Fair on the Yare” By kind invitation of John Heathcote Claxton Manor, I will be displaying at this traditional village Fair. For 2014 the date has been set at 8th June rather than the September date of past years. PLEASE NOTE that last years poster is displayed to the left ! The […]

Langley School Norfolk

Langley school fete open day

Daffodil Craft and Country Fayre, Sunday 12th May 2013 10am-4pm – Langley School, Langley Park, Chedgrave, Norwich, Norfolk NR14 6BJ On the 12th May 2013 by kind invitation Langley School has invited Mark Jeffries to display his Extra 330SC at 15:30. The display was original slated for the March “daffodil day”  however was postponed due […]

Mark Jefferies and Tom Cassells form the Global Stars aerobatic team.

tom cassells & mark jefferies - Global Stars Air Display

Mark Jefferies – with Tom Cassells, both multiple British Champions; form the Global Stars aerobatic team. The Global Stars team provide two aircraft formation air displays or solo displays. ABARTH Cars UK is supporting Mark Jefferies Air Displays in 2010, 2011 & 2012 along with V.I.T. who are providing support with camera equipment and transmitters […]

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