Brevent, Chamonix winter paragliding

Brevent, Chamonix is one of the main paragliding launch points in the alps and its right on my doorstep 🙂

It can get a bit of an argy-bargy with the commercial flight operators who think it totally reasonable to plonk there gear down in front of you once your set up and about to launch. Putting this French ruddiness aside generally speaking the launch site works well but is busy.

The purpose of this video is to show the general views of the valley and mountains surrounding it. Being winter time no or very little thermic activity is present, however in the spring around about April/May time when the snow line is just below launch height and the valley 3000ft below gets hot at 17’c the hot air rising hits the colder air and you have some extremely powerful thermals. Just checking my vario quickly I’ve seen 1422 ft per min! thats a bumpy ride for sure. It put me at 10,000ft with the occasional glider. circling me for his share of the lift 🙂

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