‘The way 2020 is going it must be aliens’

‘The way 2020 is going it must be aliens’ says Cambs mum who spotted UFO flying over A428

“The way 2020 is going it leads me to believe it could be nothing other than aliens”

A woman got the shock of her life last week when she spotted a “UFO” flying over a busy Cambridgeshire road.

Kerena got in touch with CambridgeshireLive to say she spotted the unidentified object in the sky near the A428, St Neots Road while she was waiting for RAC recovery.

A video (shown above) taken at around 7:30pm on Saturday, September 19 shows a bright light swirling in the sky – almost like a firework.

But with the world in total disarray and strange things happening every day, the mum says she wouldn’t be surprised if it was aliens.

Speaking to CambridgeshireLive about the sighting, she said: “My car had broken down and we were waiting for RAC recovery just off the A428 turning onto the B1041 when my son first spotted it.

“It was just a flashing light. ‘He was like what is that? And I said a plane?

“He pointed out that it was going round in a strange pattern, definitely not flying like a regular plane heading for a destination.

“I then wondered if it was a drone? But as he pointed out it was too far in the distance and you would not see that light that far.

“Next it was making strange fire like pattern trails that were much clearer than the videos show.

“Obviously with the way 2020 is going it leads me to believe it could be nothing other than aliens,” she laughed.

“There is just no other explanation, the only trails I have seen planes leave are smoke but nothing like this.”

The mum did jokingly reassure CambridgeshireLive she was sober when she saw the ‘UFO’.

This isn’t the first time an unidentified flying object has been spotted flying over Cambridgeshire.

In September last year, a man said she saw a UFO “bigger than a truck” on his way to work.

Spencer Jackson, 52, from Wisbech, claims he saw the mysterious flying object falling from the sky while he was driving along the A142 in the early hours of Sunday, September 8.

Despite his wife’s initial disbelief, Spencer claims the spacecraft “was like nothing he’s ever seen before”.

You can read more about his sighting here.

Similarly in December last year, a Cambridge laser beam welder claims he saw ‘100 UFOs’ flying through the sky as he de-iced his car before work.

Paul Fenwick, of Balsham, was readying his car at around 5.45am on Monday, December 2 when he spotted some unusual activity in the sky.

Paul, who works for The Welding Institute (TWI) in Granta Park, Cambridge, says he’s not usually a believer in supernatural activity, but this might have changed his mind.

You can see the pictures here.

Similar strange lights appeared over the Cambridgeshire skyline last summer.

Many readers got in touch to say that had seen the lights which were part of a stunning “pyrotechnic aerobatic display”.

It’s understood that planes were doing an aerobatic display akin to something the Red Arrows might do, but at night with fireworks strapped to their wings. Read on here.

What do you think it was in the sky above the A428 – drones, planes or something more sinister? Let us know below.

As Kerena said, the way 2020 is going, we’re just about due an alien invasion…

Reprinted from CAMBRIDGElive 

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