
15,000 feet over Chatteris Cambridgeshire

Today I take a trip to 15,000 ft from Chatteris Cambridgeshire the original plan was to do an AFF jump however being over 55 years old I’m not permitted to do the AFF course in the UK so settle for a tandem.

The twin Otter has an impressive climb rate. I estimate just 5 mins to 10,000ft where the first jumpers exit. I stay aboard for another 5000ft, shuffle to the door and before you know it, free fall.

You feel the small jolt of the stabilising drought chute when deployed. You then have the opportunity to “fly” using your arms to change heading direction.

50 seconds later with the canopy open at approx 6,000ft I take the brake lines to fly to the DZ. Thanks to UKSKYDIVING  


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