Little Gransden Children In Need Air Show August 25th, 2013

The 2017 show is on the 27th August. Below is exactly what its about! 

This year’s Little Gransden Vintage Air and Car Show is set to be another big hit for all members of the family. Featured are rare aircraft such as the BBMF Lancaster, two Spartans and a Hurribomber to name a few. Last year’s show raised £24,600 for Children in Need and local charities and this year we want to raise more!
Walking around the airfield you will find many stalls, selling a wide range of different things from cute hand-woven hats, to delicate jewellery, to plants, sweets and much, much more. You will also find many different food stalls, including a hog roast, fish & chips and a BBQ served by the local scouts group, so you are bound to find something you will like!
Every year, many vintage car owners and clubs bring their cars to display, allowing you to view a vast range of cars of all different ages. The vintage cars are only half the story though, the other half being the airshow. This year we have a wide range of aircraft including: BBMF Spitfire, P-51D Mustang, Tucano, two Spartans and Super Decathlon. We will have a flyover from the legendary Vulcan and world-class aerobatics from Mark Jefferies in his Extra 330 SC.
And if that still isn’t enough, there is entertainment for all ages, including a Punch and Judy show, fairground rides, the Spartan hangar bar with live music from 14:00 and the airshow after party. This year is the third year that the after party for the show has run. There is live music from The Electrics, a hog roast and free overnight camping for those who have travelled far.
The weather this year is forecasted to be sunny with the occasional clouds, with highs of 23, so don’t forget your sunhat, shades and extra cash for ice cream! Other items to be included on your must-bring list include chairs or a blanket to sit on, a camera with a lot of battery and space for a lot of pictures and a pair of binoculars. Those who turn up in 1930’s, 40’s or 50’s style dress will get a 10% discount on entry to the show.
The gates for the show open at 10:00 and the event come to an end at 17:30. On site there are plenty of toilets, including one with disabled access. Parking is provided free in a field next to the airfield, which is just a short walk away from the gates. Dogs are welcome, but they must be kept on a lead at all times and any mess must be cleared up. The after party starts at 19:00 and ends at midnight. We hope to see you there!

Draft display timings as of Thursday 21st

Order Aircraft Reg Pilot Time on
1 Harvard 1 G-BJST Mike Cummings 12:58
Harvard 2 G-BUKY Dale Featherby
2 RANS S6-ES G-TSOB Stuart Luck 13:09
3 Miles Hawk Trainer G-AKAT CLIFF WHITWELL 13:18
Whitney Straight G-AERV Francis Donaldson
4 Pitts G-BKDR Lauren Richardson 13:30
5 SE5 x1 G-CCBN Vic Lockwood 13:36
SE5 x1 G-BDWJ Dave Linney
Junkers x1 G-BUYU Richie Piper
Junkers x1 G-BNPV Truman
6 Golden Apple Stearman   Cliff Spinks 13:52
Spartan 1 NC17615 Bob Morcom
Spartan 2 NC17633 Ian Austin
7 Blackburn B2   John Hurrell 14:12
8 Extra 330sc G-IHHI Mark Jeffries 14:21
9a Lancaster BBMF RAF 14:30
Spitfire BBMF RAF
Hurricane BBMF RAF
9b CHURCH SERVICE     14:50
10 Tucano RAF RAF 14:56
11 P51 Mustang G-MSTG Rob Davies 15:05
ME 108 G-ETME Clive Denny
12 Auster G-ASCC Dale Featherby 15:18
Birdog G-PDOG Justin Needham
13 Trig Team G-IIIP Richard Grace 15:29
Trig Team G-PIII Dave Puleston
14 Avro Anson   John Hurrell 15:40
15 Vulcan G-VLCN Martin Withers 15:49
16 Extra G-EXIL C Burkett 15:55
17 PC12   Ian Austin 16:02
18 RV 4   Hugh Tallini 16:11
19 Chipmunk G- ALWB Dennis Neville 16:20
Jackaroo G-ANZT Trish Neville
Queen Bee G-BLUZ  John Flynn
Tiger Moth G-AZGZ Porter
PIEL CP301B G-AZGY Braithwaite
20 T28 Fennec N14113 Richie Piper 16:37
21 Twister x1 TBC Pete Wells 16:46
Twister x2 TBC Jon Gowdy
22 Yak 52 G-BXJB Nigel Willson 16:57
23 Hurribomber G-HHII Peter Teichman 17:06
24 Spitfire G-RRGN William Dean 17:15
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