We Love India

Begumpet January 18-21st, 2024.

The Global Stars did the Worlds last airshow at Begumpet Wings India March (13-15th March 2020) before the covid lockdowns destroyed the lives of many and businesses collapsed .

It was a great pleasure to be invited back for Wing India 2024. On this occasion the date was moved from the incredibly hot March which was traditional to January when temperatures are comfortable.

The team first came to Begumpet in 2014, since that date the show has gone from strength to strength and on this occasion was the biggest ever.

The Global Stars took 4 aircraft with new team member Peter Wells flying right wing. Pete is an old hand leading the Twister team, flying with the RV8 Raven team so took very little time to acclimatise to the Extra.

Again this year we were joined by Rohit Vikhe of Firecraft Pyrotechnics LLP to manufacture the smokes and pyro used for the show. Again this year, super bright sparks with long trails but a slightly shorter burn time unfortunately. The smokes Rohit produces are some of the best we have used, and presented the national colours nicely.

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