The Global Stars are back in action

29th March 2021 the beginning of life back to normality

The first day of being able to fly leisure and pleasure of 2021 the team took the opportunity to practice. Leader being Mark Jefferies, right wing Chris Burkett, Left wing Steve Carver and box Chris Heames.

Three practice flights were flown, initially at 3500ft above broken clouds in the smooth air. Coming down low in the 20 kts wind proved challenging however by the 3rd flight we nailed it.

Flying just the first part of the sequence 1/4 clover loop, steep wing over to 120′ bank, loop, 1/2 cuban, baller roll, wing over to position for loop with 270 turn.

Our first public show is Shuttleworth drive in show on 6th June. With so much uncertainty this year other “traditional” shows are not until late in the season. 29th August Lt Gransden Children in Need is one.

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