Smiling Sky at Sandringham

Prince Harry & Kate Duchess of Cambridge smiley face heart and kiss vapour trails in the skyChristmas day 2013 dawned clear blue skies

In stark contrast to the preceding days where gales and heavy rain were closing airports in the south of the United Kingdom, along with bridges shut down and flooding, today the clear blue skies beckoned. Meanwhile at Sandringham, the Queen, Prince Philip, Prince Charles along with the Duchess of Cornwall, Prince William and the Duchess of Cambridge, the Princess Royal with Vice Admiral Sir Timothy Laurence, Princesses Beatrice and Eugenie, the Earl and Countess of Wessex,  and their children Lady Louise and Viscount Severn, Prince Harry Smiley sky write by Mark Jefferies air displaysand Mike Tindall, made their way from Sandringham house to the St. Mary Magdalene Church.  Being a strong believer in the Royals I thought it would be pleasant to show my appreciation and put a “smile” on a few faces in the form of a short air display even if the new Royal protection officer was initially concerned! Climbing to 10,000ft over Cambridgeshire, heading downwind to Sandringham took 16 minutes. With Norfolk visible for miles around, St. Mary Magdalene was unmistakably below.Heart-in-Cambridge I positioned to the south of the church, giving the assembled Royals and public a good viewing angle, first drawing a smiling face. Next to be drawn was the love heart, followed by a kiss. The Eastern Daily Press reports here.

Sky writing is considered illegal in the UK, however, it appears to be a law that no one at the Civil Aviation Authority  understands the purpose of, and therefore a blind eye is turned if images of joy are drawn. Banner towing was also illegal until a banner was towed past the Conservative party conference with the words “Happy Birthday Maggie”. Sandringham love in the sky with sunApparently one of her aids pointed out: “actually Ma’am, it’s illegal”. “Don’t be ridiculous”, Maggie retorted, and with that it was removed from the Air Navigation Order. There are moves afoot now to also remove the dated “no aerial advertising with smoke” law from the ANO

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