Flyer magazine flight test Extra 330LX

VH-IXN Extra 30LX

EXTRA 330LX Flyer magazine sent Steve Jones (red bull racing fame) along to review the Extra 330LX. Mike Jorgensen from Action Air Images took the pictures from a 300L. The 330LX is the latest light weight hot ship from Dinslaken. Read the article here

CAR FEST! Mark Jefferies will steal the show with Abarth in his Extra 330sc

CAR FEST! Mark Jefferies will steal the show with Abarth in his Extra 330sc

Mark Jefferies will steal the show at CarFest South, supporting Abarth UK on the 25th and 26th August 2012 in his Extra 330sc. He will be performing his Air Display on the Saturday, at 2.30pm and Sunday, at 3.20pm so no one will miss out! CarFest is raising money for BBC Children in Need and […]

Mark Jefferies Air Display at Pentillie Festival of Speed

Mark Jefferies Air Display at the Pentillie Festival of Speed

Mark Jefferies will be performing his Air Display in the Extra 330sc at Pentillie Festival of Speed on the 25th August 2012, the air display will be at 1300hrs so make sure you look to the skies! Introduction to the Event… For too long, the South West has lacked a motoring event that champions the […]

Air Display at Santa Pod Raceway for Mini In The Park | Extra 330sc

Mark Jefferies will be flying and performing in his Extra 330sc this weekend at Santa Pod Raceway for Mini in the Park on Sunday 12th August 2012. Mini In The Park at Santa Pod Raceway on Sunday 12th August 2012 is “The UK’s Top Mini Event” for owners of Classic Minis and New MINIS, plus […]

The first Extra 330LX in UK

Extra 330LX

G-GOFF is the very first Extra 330LX to arrive in the UK, sold and flown in by Mark Jefferies of YAK UK Ltd. Walter Extra and his team at Dinslaken have done an outstanding job of taking the 300L and upgrading to the 330LX. For all intents and purposes it looks just like the 300L […]

CNN interview Mark Jefferies

Mark Jefferies interview with CNN

A 3 minute interview with Mark flying the Abarth Extra 300L and the Extra 330SC. What you don’t see is James Williams from CNN in the front seat of the 300L, after the flight he was not so chirpy and needed 30 mins sitting to recover !  G forces in excess of 4.5 will induce […]

Abarth Extra 300L in new livery

  G-JOKR sporting a stunning new livery designed by SB:MKTG. The Extra 300L is the 2 seat Extra, the leader of the pack for many years in competition and will be used for training and aerobatic experiance flights. “JOKER” will also be flown in formation with the Extra 330sc by Tom Cassells as part of the Global […]

Mark Jefferies to do air display at Santa Pod

Santa Pod 29th October – Flame & Thunder dragster racing event The air display for Santa Pod will be stunning and will add a ‘crowd pleasing’ addition to the day’s action packed events and racing. Mark will be familiar to many drag racing fans having performed his air show at Santa Pod on previous occasions.

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